The Truth About Getting Toned Arms and/or Getting Rid of Flabby Arms
“Give me those Michelle Obama arms” is one of the most common requests that we get and deliver on at my training studio. Even though
Miracle of Water
April showers, bring May flowers because water makes everything better. The human body is made of 60% water, 70% of your brain is water and
5 Ways To Spring Into Fitness Now
It’s that time of year again: the days are getting longer and the winter coats are going back into storage (most days). Spring is one
High Intensity Fitness – A Good Idea Taken Too Far
The shift towards more intense exercise began as a great idea for most people. It lead people to realize that walking on a treadmill while
Thai Curry Scallops and a Dessert!
Thai Curry Scallops are amazing! The recipe is from Josef’s ???? mom, Gail, who many of you may have met. She is a terrific cook
Snow Shoveling Safety
Just in case we get some great winter weather (SNOW!!) this weekend, we wanted to make sure you are prepared to shovel snow safely, and
What’s a realistic pace to lose body fat?
What’s a realistic pace to lose body fat? Cop-out answer: it depends Realistic pace to lose body fat put into perspective: a great pace is
What’s the secret to a good mood?
The secret to a great mood?! It’s exercise! It’s almost common knowledge at this point that exercise has a positive effect on mood. And the
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Talk with a coach about your goals, make a plan to achieve them.