protein shake timing personal trainer in Charlotte NC

The Truth about Protein Shake Timing: Is Right After My Workout More Beneficial Than Later?

Is Protein Shake Timing Important? Is Right After My Workout More Beneficial?

protein shake timing personal trainer in Charlotte NC

Q & A: Is protein shake timing important? I mostly work out at 5:30am, waiting until 11am helps me eat less, so that’s when I usually eat for the first time.  Would drinking my protein shake right after my workout be more beneficial in terms of weight loss or for my muscles?

A: What matters most (for your muscles) is that they get enough protein in a day.  (Protein intake is also very important for your appetite.)  Research shows that the exact timing of that protein doesn’t seem to matter much. 

Furthermore, if waiting until 11am helps you manage your calorie budget (helps you eat a more appropriate number of calories) then you should stick with that as that is more important than your protein shake timing.  (More on fasting or intermittent fasting.) 

For most people moving a large chunk of your protein from lunch to the early morning will mean your lunch will be less satiating.  Your lunch will be less satiating because it has less protein and fewer calories.  This will probably lead to some later afternoon snaccidents.  A snaccident is an accident involving a snack – if lunch is less satiating, then the snacks around the office will get more attractive and tempting.

So, the way you are handling your timing right now is good.  The only thing to possibly look at is to ensure you are getting enough protein (in total) for the day.

How much protein can my body use in one meal?

Sometimes people worry that if they only eat twice a day then they will end up consuming “too much protein” at one time and that this protein will be “wasted.”  The best evidence we have says your body can make good use of 100 grams of protein in one meal.  (Source)   100 grams is the largest quantity ever tested, so the upper limit might be much higher, or there may be no practical upper limit.

The only wasted protein is collagen as protein.  Collagen has zero bioavailability as protein for muscle growth and repair.  It has other benefits, but it’s worthless as a protein supplement.

How much protein do you need?

For most women 90 grams of protein is a good minimum.  This varies with height and muscle mass.  Using an InBody scan can help you get a more precise target for your daily protein minimum.

1 gram per pound of body weight would be the maximum for most women.  It would be the maximum for practical reasons not because more protein is “bad.”  The practical reason I am referring to is calories: 1 gram per pound of body weight is going to occupy too many calories in most women’s lives to be worth the marginal benefit to muscle mass.

What are some ways to get more protein without having too many calories?

Many of the protein sources touted by the internet are mostly fat – nuts, steak, egg yolks.  The biggest “secret” for getting protein for a reasonable number of calories is to look for the fat-free or low fat options; and to use a protein shake.  Protein shakes will never taste better than OK (unless you add a ton of extra calories to them), but most women’s nutritional lives are much easier with them vs without them. 

A low-fat, low-calorie protein shake can give you 50 grams of protein for just 280 calories (or 25 for 140).  This is basically the same as a completely plain, steamed 6oz chicken breast, BUT who gets any pleasure from a condiment-free chicken breast.  Personally, that chicken will be involved in a sauccident (accident involving sauce).  Here are more ways to get your protein for a reasonable number of calories.

Bottom Line

There is no best for your protein shake timing. The best time for you is the one that helps you reach your daily nutrition goals consistently.

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