Weight Loss Goal

Are you Unknowingly Undoing Your Week and Weight Loss Goal?

Are you Undoing Your Week and Weight Loss Goal?

Happy Friday! The weather is HOT, restaurants are open for outdoor dining, summer and weekend vacations are underway – – – for many people this means a lot more social events which can include an extra glass of wine, beer, dessert, etc. But is that going to undo your hard work of watching what you consume during the week if you have a weight loss goal?

Weight Loss Goal

While you might really want that frozen Pina Colada, it will not help you get to your goal – so maybe chose a skinny margarita instead or skip it that event.

You want to remember to Treat yourself, and NOT cheat yourself.

Most women are either “on a diet” or “being bad.” I don’t think I’m the only one who agrees that this is both miserable and counterproductive. Food is food. There’s no “good” and there’s no “bad.” Leave the guilt and deprivation out of this.

Focus on finding the maximum ice cream, chips, adult beverage (or whatever your favorite vacation/weekend treat) you can eat and still be the size you want to be. And yes, this does differ depending on which stage you are in.

–> In other words, all calories count and you want to figure out how to get maximum enjoyment from them. Logging your food is an excellent way to figure this out. There are several free apps you can easily put on your phone to help you with your weight loss goals or maintaining your weight. We use My Fitness Pal.

Reply to the email if you have any questions 🙂

Here’s to a great weekend!


PS – If you have a moment to leave a review on our Facebook page, we’d really appreciate it!!!

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