True180 Personal Training | DotFit News

DotFit News

❇❇ Awesome news!! Dot Fit is giving everyone that is a part of their community 20% off their orders (delivered to your door) to help you and your family maintain your nutrition and health???? ????

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This link will get you to our log in – make sure you see the True 180 logo at the top left. This will help apply the discount.


If you need me to create an account for you please ask 🙂

Our top recommendations:
????Lean MR Protein
☀Vitamin D-3
????Active Multi Vitamin
????Super Omega 3/Fish Oil
????Joint Flex Plus
????Vitamin C

Other likes:
????Vanilla or Chocolate Wafer bars
????Chocolate Chip HIGH PROTEIN dotCOOKIE
????dotBAR – 160 Calorie Chocolate Mint
???? dotSTICK – Birthday Cake (warmed up is amazing!!!)
????AminoBoost XXL

There is tons of great information on their site and I included some here too in the pics. Let us know if you have any questions. Here are some great protein shake recipes!

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Talk with a coach about your goals, make a plan to achieve them.

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