A protein shake is a great option when you are on the run, need a quick and delicious meal and want to make sure to keep feeding your muscles. Research shows that using meal replacements once or twice a day can enhance weight loss, and continuous use helps people keep the weight off. That’s because meal replacements help control calories, provide accurate calorie counts and may prevent people from skipping meals and over-eating later in the day.
Our favorites are below but any good quality protein will work for the recipes.
True 180’s Favorite Vanilla Protein Powder and Vanilla Meal Replacement
True 180’s Favorite Chocolate Protein Powder and Chocolate Meal Replacement
Mint Mocha Protein Shake!
• 1 serving chocolate whey
• 1 cup cold coffee
• ½ cup milk
• 1/16th teaspoon peppermint extract
• 2-3 ice cubes
Blend! And enjoy!