There are not many people who do not simply LOVE tacos in one form or another. This taco salad can be put together in less than 20 minutes, and it packs very well for a lunch at the office or the next night for dinner.
- 3 tbsp(s), Shredded Cheese
- 0.50 Raw yellow pepper sliced, large
- 8 oz, Ground Beef 93%
- 2.50 cups, Salad – spinach and romaine, mixed
- 0.25 cups, Tomato and Onion (optional)
- 2.50 tablespoon, Salsa
- 1.50 tablespoon, Low Fat Plain Greek Yogurt
- 0.25 medium, Avocado
- Cook your choice of protein and season it.
- Then combine ingredients as desired!
- If packing for lunch or a meal later, add the salad greens when it’s time to eat.
Nutrition Facts per My FitnessPal | |
Servings 2.0 | |
Amount Per Serving may vary depending on ingredients used. | |
calories 389 |