exercise guidelines working out

What’s the secret to a good mood?

The secret to a great mood?! It’s exercise! It’s almost common knowledge at this point that exercise has a positive effect on mood. And the research literature linking physical activity and mood improvement is vast. One interesting finding is that even just one workout can have a mood boosting effect. As cliché as it sounds, the science says you really are one workout away from a good mood.

It’s also true that the more intense your workout the greater the mood improvement. It can be tempting to skip out on exercise or take it too easy when you’re heart isn’t in it You can think of this as extra incentive to really challenge yourself rather than just going through the motions.

And as icing on the cake, study results have shown increased creativity is also correlated with exercise. Whether it’s troubleshooting a work problem, or finding a new game to play with your grandkids extra creativity certainly can’t hurt. Exercise is something we are very passionate about and there are an incredible number of advantages.

Oh and Please don’t keep us a secret. We love working with women like you!

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Click Here to Get Started! Again, it’s almost common knowledge at this point that exercise has a positive effect on mood. Let’s help our friends feel as good as you do!

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