True180 Personal Training | Workout Whenever Actually Means Workout Never

Workout Whenever Actually Means Workout Never

Workout Whenever Actually Means Workout Never

Unlimited choice – like the option to workout 24/7/365 – seems like a good idea, however if you’ve ever tried to search all of Netflix for the perfect movie you know how practical unlimited is not

True180 Personal Training | Workout Whenever Actually Means Workout Never

At a big box gym only the top 10% of members workout even once a month.  Whereas at True 180 Personal Training for Women our top 10% of clients train 13 times per month, and we try our best to get everyone to train at least 8 times a month.  How can this be when places like Planet Fitness gives its members the option to workout 168 hours per week, and we only give our clients the option to train 3 or 4 hours per week max? 

These are the three most important reasons: 

1.  Excess choice:  choice is like anxiety – a little bit will energize you, but it doesn’t take much more for it to become debilitating.  Making decisions is actually one of the most exhausting things our brain can do, and the more options that our brains have to sift through the worse this gets.  When our brains are overwhelmed our default is always not to choose… in the case of exercise, this means we chose to do nothing. 

2.  Accountability:  working out is usually hard to get yourself to do.  Knowing that you have someone you like expecting you to show up helps a lot.  It helps even more if you have put some money on the line, and if you trust in that person’s expertise and ability to help you reach your goals.  Knowing that you need to check in with someone to change your plans of when to workout also helps a lot.  Accountability matters

3.  Community:  the small, well managed group of women at True 180 also create a powerful support system.  1-on-1 personal training is usually too awkward for the long haul, and large groups make it too easy for most to get lost.  Our small group personal training is the perfect size to make it fun but not intimidating, and allows the coaches to actually know who they are working with.  This helps you want to show up. 

Bottom Line:  When you can workout whenever it actually means you will workout (almost) never. There is a fine line between flexibility and enabling.   

New here? We’d love to meet you! Book your free Intro Call with a member of the team now. We offer custom fit personal training for women. All of our sessions are about an hour long and will be a full body strength training session every time. The first step is to set up a quick Intro Call to see if we are what you are looking for and we will be happy to discuss setting up a schedule that works for you and that keeps your accountable.

Our women’s only personal training studio is located just across the way from the Ballantyne Bowl and near your neighborhood Harris Teeter. You’ll find True 180 Personal Training for Women when looking for a ‘personal trainer near me’ in Charlotte, NC. Our personal trainers are here to guide you during your workouts and fitness journey no matter your age.

We offer a 10 Day Personal Training Trial to get started with and to ensure we are going to be a good fit for you. You can get started with an Assessment and 3 Personal Training Sessions for only $99. The first step is setting up a quick call to answer any questions or concerns you might have about getting started with us. Feel free to book a call HERE.

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