True180 Personal Training | 3 Ways Orgasms Help You Lose Weight More Effectively

3 Ways Orgasms Help You Lose Weight More Effectively

Since it’s February I thought it was about time to talk about orgasms.


Besides being awesome on their own, they’re also surprisingly important to reaching your fitness and weight loss goals.

Here are my top 3 ways they help a girl out:

#1.  An orgasm a day keeps the junk food away.  We all get stressed out and overwhelmed from time to time, and this is when we’re likely to turn to comfort food to sooth us.  As you already know comfort food is very comforting, however, orgasms are the only thing more soothing than comfort food.

So, besides getting enough sleep and regular exercise to keep your stress levels manageable, orgasms are very helpful too.

Should it actually be every day?  That’s probably not necessary or practical, but it made a good sub-headline.  I asked Ali Gilbert about “optimal orgasm frequency,” and she had this to say:  “there isn’t really an optimal range.  But orgasms release so many good hormones and reduce cortisol so the more the better.”

Here’s more on stress, comfort food and sex.

#2.  Sleep more, eat less:  That should really read “sleeping better and/or more makes it easier to eat appropriately,” but that’s not very catchy.  Sleep is very, very important for everything: when you sleep too little you actually get the munchies via the same chemical pathways that marijuana gives you the munchies, and being tired makes everything, especially good decisions – like better food choices or showing up to workout – even harder to do.

Orgasms trigger the release of oxytocin which helps to reduce cortisol levels which definitely helps improve your quality of sleep.  You get this release of oxytocin whether solo or with a partner, however, it does tend to be higher with a partner.

Here’s more on the importance of sleep for weight loss and fitness.

#3.  A Secret muscle booster: for women, orgasms help create a mild boost in testosterone which can help you keep your muscle when losing weight, or, even better, build a bit.  Don’t worry, having more orgasms is not going to turn you into a bodybuilder.  It’s not that big of a boost.

Hanging on to your muscle mass is one of the most important things you can do when you are losing weight because otherwise half of what you are losing will not be fat.  Your muscles are also your internal fountain of youth.

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