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Halloween Like a Champ!

Halloween is upon us and marks the start of what is often a food-centric holiday season. There is often anxiety and stress about how to manage a healthy lifestyle during these more indulgent months. Here are our DOs and DON’Ts of how to enjoy the day without letting it interfere with your goals and or your greatness:

DON’T set yourself up for failure. Make a plan for the way you will jump back on the health and fitness train. One night of a few extra pieces of candy won’t get in the way of your goals but letting one night of a few extra pieces of candy bum you out so much that you continue to reach for 4 fun size Snickers instead of your usual yogurt and berries for the next week certainly can. (You can also check out this post about overcoming a setback for more tips.) Spend time now planning the nutritious breakfast you will eat the next morning. Strategize how to be sure to get enough water the days after Halloween. Decide now what you are going do with the leftover candy. Set yourself up for success!

DON’T skip out on the gym. For some reason in these situations people are tempted to throw the baby out with the bathwater and think, “Well if my diet isn’t going to be ‘perfect’ then I might as well ditch the gym as well.” In reality, reaching your goals isn’t about a “perfect” diet but about balancing your choices. When you know you are going to splurge in one area it’s best to try to keep the rest of your healthy routine intact. Fortunately we have festivities planned for our classes this Saturday that you won’t want to miss anyway!

DON’T obsess about candy. Is it important to eat nutritious foods and limit sugar intake? Yes. Does the number of pieces of candy you eat say anything about your self-worth, determination, work ethic, or character? NO. We can be so hard on ourselves in ways that are unproductive. Don’t give something as silly as candy the power to wreck your confidence, make you question your abilities or your commitment to your goals. Its just candy.

DO focus on your goals. Our clients are always encouraged to work towards goals they are personally invested in. (Read more about sustainable and healthy goals here and here.) Imagine how great it will feel to reach those goals and try to focus on the ways you’ve already been rewarded by your hard work. Fixating on all the things you “can’t” have or “shouldn’t” do will just get in the way.

DO eat real foods. Don’t fail prey to the myth that you should “save up” your calories if you know you’ll be eating candy later. It will be harder to control your candy portions if you are ravenous. Furthermore all of our clients need proper fuel for their workouts. New data suggests that adequate protein consumption can even help curb sugar cravings. Our recipe page has plenty of hearty, protein filled ideas to inspire you!

DO indulge in what you love. All too often we hear about clients denying themselves the things they love only to binge later on a less tasty option because it wasn’t satisfying. Don’t mindlessly munch on office candy just because it’s Halloween. Be mindful and treat yourself to things that are completely worth the splurge. If you love Reese’s peanut butter cups then give yourself permission to eat a few and truly savor and enjoy them!

Make a plan for the way you will jump back on the health and fitness train. One night of a few extra pieces of candy won’t get in the way of your goals but letting one night of a few extra pieces of candy bum you out so much that you continue to reach for 4 fun size Snickers instead of your usual yogurt and berries for the next week certainly can. (You can also check out this post about overcoming a setback for more tips.) Spend time now planning the nutritious breakfast you will eat the next morning. Strategize how to be sure to get enough water the days after Halloween. Decide now what you are going do with the leftover candy. Set yourself up for success!

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True180 Personal Training | Death by Chocolate!

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